this might sound weird but when I’m listening to ur red oc it sounds off beat and sometimes it sounds on beat I like the sound and everything but the sound goes on and off beat mostly off though
Idk if u wanna do this but can u kinda arrange his sound timing please?
Alr idk if this is happening to anyone else but when I’m playing this sprunki mod
sometimes the game just crashes and I have to run the mod again to play and it ruins my whole vibe cuz when I always try to make a song it just crashes idk if this is a glitch or if it’s just me cuz idek what the hell is happening right now
hey spaceter can u switch the nunzy setting and nunzys sound track she’s using pls
Cuz people sometimes forget to switch it on and mess up their song in horror version like i just did right now (dont ask how 😅)
All Im asking is to switch the setting and her sound track right now so for people that want to switch nunzys track 1 and track 2 can go to the two lines (setting) and activate it and for people that want the matching track 1 and track 2 can not do anything and just put her on a unused slot
Alr idk if this is happening to anyone else but when I’m playing this sprunki mod sometimes the game just crashes and I have to run the mod again to play and it ruins my whole vibe cuz when I always try to make a song it just crashes idk if this is a glitch or if it’s just me cuz idek what the hell is happening right now
I feel like this is my first time talking about “salmon” but when I tried to make a beat with him it started off good but then in his second track the first bell sound of his second track was on beat but then the last bell sounds sounded off
The nun is better now after the track is swapped. It's because in the original (TikTok video) the track was a test and the track are not aligned which you can tell by hearing other melodies tracks in the video
theres gonna be a new character named grape in the credits, the creator is a fnf modder so hopefully its gonna sound good like the other sprunkis
also the creators of nunzy and dorn has more sprunki ocs that also sound good so hopefully spaceter adds them in the future and also some other sprunkis i haven't mentioned yet
It will be way easier but they might ruin the mod 50/50 depends on how they respond or act
I mean Im only saying that cuz u seem a little tired animating and adding sprunkis
And trust me I wanna help but I’m on mobile and I don’t even know how to animate a sprunki and it takes tons of practice trust me if I had 80% skill of animating a sprunki and I was on pc then I would definitely help u but there’s nothing I can do about it right now
I feel like Mr. Fun computers last part of his sound is to loud
Can u make a little less loud pls
And one more tiny favor pls
So in the horror version for pine u know when he plays his sound
I wanted to know if u can make pines head move and his body is not moving at all cuz seeing that it’s very weird to me cuz he’s the only one who moves his body and i dont like that like it gives a weird feeling idk why but it does like vinera shakes her head but not her body
Can u pls make his head move and not his body pwease :3
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Пж добавьте кнопку звука венды в хороре типо звука олда из скретч
yay I changed my pfp :>
I don't think my tablet can support black anymore, because the black snowflake screen is too powerful.
당신은 뭐야-
아무것도 안 하고 그냥 놀기만 해요왜냐하면
왜냐하면 무슨 까닭이냐??
내 태블릿이 좀 낡았기 때문이야
아 알았어요-
List my character too
what was that link
what link?
2 things:
• Nice oc horror sound (red thing) it adds so much beat to the song (just a little bit off) Im guessing it’s an effect
• dorns horror sound is just a LITTLE but TINY bit off can u just pls but pls fix his sound timing (Im so sorry)
spaceter ur oc in normal version sounds a lot like pinki
I don’t wanna be a pain but can u change it plsssssss
im not musician
no like I don’t mean that different
Just a sound to fit the beat but not a similar sound to one of the sprunkis that already have that sound used
for ur red oc in normal version
I can nearly hear him that much
Idk what to say or do cuz since u said “Im not musician” so uh i dont have any more ideas
this might sound weird but when I’m listening to ur red oc it sounds off beat and sometimes it sounds on beat I like the sound and everything but the sound goes on and off beat mostly off though
Idk if u wanna do this but can u kinda arrange his sound timing please?
Vector? Please
What do u mean by vector?
Vector is a drawing tool that uses lines, it's often used for draw things that are symmetrycal for instances : a hexagon that's clean.
Alr idk if this is happening to anyone else but when I’m playing this sprunki mod
sometimes the game just crashes and I have to run the mod again to play and it ruins my whole vibe cuz when I always try to make a song it just crashes idk if this is a glitch or if it’s just me cuz idek what the hell is happening right now
And yes my device is normal it’s an iPhone
not goofy boi
Yea but he looks
look at goofy boi
The normal mode has a cute mouth like this,
: ))
This, his Sound/Voice is an Agogo, you can make an icon for him.
bro how do u even make sprunki ocs?
What the fuck is an agogo-
It's an instrument bruh STOP SWEARING ON ME
I love how black just moves like dat-
Why the fuck does this shi load like
a sloth
just get a better device
Im kidding lol
from where
From Walmart??
anywhere ig
for ur red oc (red thing) try to make it the same sound but a little bit different but make it on beat tho
Or u can just do whatever u want with it since it’s ur oc after all
hey spaceter can u switch the nunzy setting and nunzys sound track she’s using pls
Cuz people sometimes forget to switch it on and mess up their song in horror version like i just did right now (dont ask how 😅)
All Im asking is to switch the setting and her sound track right now so for people that want to switch nunzys track 1 and track 2 can go to the two lines (setting) and activate it and for people that want the matching track 1 and track 2 can not do anything and just put her on a unused slot
they have canceled updates in this
red fffffffffff
Who tf is that
that me
Oh- but how will you add it in mobile?
Also how to add ur character???
ok ima stop 😂
how to activate the secret character?
how am i gonna make that red thing fit im not musician
what red thing?
my oc
well what sound are u gonna use for him?
there can be anything
i can do voices
we talked so much that we had to view more in thread XD
What is this?
Im only asking cuz he looks like Oren but without the lines and circles and he looks red
Edit: nvm I just refreshed and he just randomly got a scarf and clothes on
i remade my sprunki oc you can see it in my sprunki with oc first version
yea I seen him a couple times on YouTube
Are u adding him into this mod?
yay but is icon getting changed too?
and omg u gave him hair :)
In the other one he didn’t have hair lol
this thing is joke oc
So out the 5 ocs that are already in this mod, the owners oc has to be the joke one :/
oh yea btw what is his new sound?
Next update I think lily will be adding some pictures of the inside of her microwave's mouth in horror mode
wtf what is pinguin mod?
a voice oc
Nice! :)
and why is there one part where it says “cat tales”?
Also idk if u knew this already but can u make grapes head move in horror version cuz all she does is move her eye but not her head
Just letting u know before u release her
I found a cool oc on TikTok, made by linepyxme. The oc color is light green, try searching it up.
omg he sounds so cool
pls the sb3 file
What is “sb3”?
You download it them you load into scratch then you can edit the game
what is “penguin mod” and what does it do?
Bro looks like
its a better version of scratch but trobuwarp is better
No it is way better than turbowarp
What does it do? :)
Alr idk if this is happening to anyone else but when I’m playing this sprunki mod sometimes the game just crashes and I have to run the mod again to play and it ruins my whole vibe cuz when I always try to make a song it just crashes idk if this is a glitch or if it’s just me cuz idek what the hell is happening right now
bro I feel bad for asking u this but the first sound that dorn makes is like cutoff
Can u like maybe fix that so that his first sound doesn’t sound cut off
Cuz it sounds like he glitched when u first hear him
And can u fix lilys last animation part cuz she goes slow at the last part of her sound and animation
Can u fix her pls?
i missed spell because
is it just me or is dorn in horror mode still sound the same?
Cuz he doesn’t sound on beat still idk if it’s just me but thank you for fixing dorn and lily in normal version 😀
code for mobile soon :>
Oooooooo a mobile feature hehehheeh :>
hey spaceter can u do something for me pls
So for nunzys second track (not sound) she glitches a little bit can u fix that pls?
and when I switched nunzys track (the feature u added in settings (two lines)
When she does her normal second track sound she goes off tempo
Can u fix these glitches pls?
who is this
I don’t know anything about code
but I’m guessing a new character maybe?
just secret character reanimation
oh ok
its pine
I feel like this is my first time talking about “salmon” but when I tried to make a beat with him it started off good but then in his second track the first bell sound of his second track was on beat but then the last bell sounds sounded off
I was wondering if u can fix that pls
The nun is better now after the track is swapped. It's because in the original (TikTok video) the track was a test and the track are not aligned which you can tell by hearing other melodies tracks in the video
Can u give me the link to the TikTok video I wanna hear
maybe cuz they played nunzy at the wrong time idk
In the video nunzy sounded off but in this mod when nunzy was here (before her track change) she was on tempo
also when u update (idk when)
U know the part where u give credits for who made the sprunki oc?
well I want u to put “nen_108” (trust)
I wonder how much sprunkis will fit in this mod like the last on it had over 10 but more than half of them didn’t fit
theres gonna be a new character named grape in the credits, the creator is a fnf modder so hopefully its gonna sound good like the other sprunkis
also the creators of nunzy and dorn has more sprunki ocs that also sound good so hopefully spaceter adds them in the future and also some other sprunkis i haven't mentioned yet
Tele (red)
He sounds very good and I like his horror sound BUT 8 BIT????
nah dont even get me started with 8 bit he sounds so loud like fien and doesnt add any beat but Mr. Tv is good too
Tele and Mr. Tv are good but never 8 bit
I listened to the grape OC and she’s like not bad but not good either so she’s a 50/50
Also why is there a credit page saying “cat tales” In the credits?
So remember when u rated 8/10 for the animating?
well what I now want to know is that how long does it take to animate a sprunki oc?
Since u said 8/10
2 day for oc like lily
It must be hard, I'll assume that it takes 4 or 5 layers
yea like a lot
ok thanks for letting me know :)
also spaceter why dont u just hire animators?
It will be way easier but they might ruin the mod 50/50 depends on how they respond or act
I mean Im only saying that cuz u seem a little tired animating and adding sprunkis
And trust me I wanna help but I’m on mobile and I don’t even know how to animate a sprunki and it takes tons of practice trust me if I had 80% skill of animating a sprunki and I was on pc then I would definitely help u but there’s nothing I can do about it right now
Sorry man :(
salmon probably took like a day or less cuz he doesnt do anything crazy but he does add some beat to the song
do you know when you put black the sound it makes is the rake scream but slow down
oh I actually never knew that
Im literally not joking i swear I never knew that I thought it was just noise
eye will glow in next update!!
what eye?
from my doors fangame called lurking on scratch
fein horror resound
Mr. Fun computer new font on horror mode
I feel like Mr. Fun computers last part of his sound is to loud
Can u make a little less loud pls
And one more tiny favor pls
So in the horror version for pine u know when he plays his sound
I wanted to know if u can make pines head move and his body is not moving at all cuz seeing that it’s very weird to me cuz he’s the only one who moves his body and i dont like that like it gives a weird feeling idk why but it does like vinera shakes her head but not her body
Can u pls make his head move and not his body pwease :3
tysm i appreciate it thanks dude
I should’ve said this in the comment above but for pines normal version
U see his pupil (black circle in the eye)
Make it like clukrs eye like him not looking all the way up cuz his eye might get stuck
Basically all Im saying is move pines eye a little more down or u can match clukrs eye